I love the rag tag look of the regular militia troopers but I also want some more hardcore militarized troops as well. I've already painted one unit of these guys up but I built a total of 50 of them. 3 units with 2 x melta, flamer and shotguns and 2 units with 3 plasma guns. They are meant to represent the Blood Pact in a way but not directly.
This unit has some Victoria Lamb bits. I've used her Shotgun arms and some of the Beastmen Trench Raider arms. I think they turned out pretty nice and give them a different look.
This unit is primarily using the Catachan arms. Which I dont like but the enforcers are big enough that they dont look too horrible. SGTs have regular enforcer arms.
Couple of SGTs:
Another SGT, plamsa guns and Tommy guns (used as autoguns/lasguns)