Friday, June 10, 2011

Renegade AA gun

This a kit from maxmini. I really like it. Its a bit cheaper than teh FW kit and looks just as good IMO. It was a breeze to assmble and fun to paint.

IG Hydra

IG Hydra

IG Hydra

IG Hydra

Here is the chimera chassis I modified for it. Yes I know the smoke launchers look terrible, they have been removed. :)

IG Hydra


  1. As someone who owns FW hydras I've got to say these look just as good.

    And thats a really nice job on the paint too man, looking very good indeed.

  2. Very nice. How easy was it to fit to the Chimera?

  3. Thanks. It was very easy. The AA gun is actually made to fit on the chimera chassis. All I did was cut out the turret mount and repositioned in toward the back of the vehicle.
