Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chimera and flamers

I painted these guys up for a small combat patrol event but now I can't attend it. :( But at least I got them done anyway.

CRM Half Track Chimera
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures


  1. Those halftracks are amazing mate, how far back do I have to look to find the WIP pics?

  2. I'm not sure if I posted the WIP pics here or not. But here they all are in my photobucket account.

  3. Looking fantastic as always mate! Those half-tracks are amazingly Kool.


  4. Wow, ITs pretty much a scratch build. I could have sworn there was a chimera hull in there.

    Amazing work

    don't suppose you'd ever post step-by steps or templates for this beast? (or others)

    It's something I've never tried and would love to.

  5. Yeah, if your interested I could write up a how to on buiding one. It's actually not too tough. If you can build a squar box out of plasticard than you can do this really. It's just a lot more little boxes for the most part.

    Only chimera parts are the tracks, rear hatch and top FW turrent and then a few misc bits, like hatches and exhaust. You can make them but if you have them might as well use them. :)
