Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chimera and flamers

I painted these guys up for a small combat patrol event but now I can't attend it. :( But at least I got them done anyway.

CRM Half Track Chimera
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

CRM Primaris Psyker and Battle Psykers

I've complete the Primaris Psyker. I didn't get to spend the amount of time on him I wanted to but a dead lined loomed so I had to get him done. I only spent a few hours tops but he looks decent enough for now

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

I got the reset of the Battle Psykers from my brother and started painting them up as well.

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Valdor Super Heavy complete

I'm proud to say that my Valdor wont the nitty gritty tank contest at DakkaDakka. :)

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Battle Psyker prototype green stuffed + possessed sentinel

My brother did the green stuff on this guy for me. I did it first and it looked like crap so he redid it for me. He's much better at cloth than I am.

From Chaos Miniatures

For a local modeling contest I decided to do a possessed sentinel for my CRM army. Here's the first evenings work...

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Friday, October 9, 2009

CRM Battle Psyker

Here is my protype for my CRM battle psykers. Like most everyone else I am using the flagellents as the base model. I am using ghoul heads and arms to give me a feral emaciated look though. I think it looks more twisted and evil.

From Chaos Miniatures


I've been painting the Malcador and Valdor lately. It's coming along pretty good
I also worked on a Leman Russ.

Malcador: Not finished but getting close...
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Leman Russ: Done except for the dozer blade.
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Friday, September 11, 2009

First unit of Blood Pact/Sons of Slaughter done.

Vet sgt with shotgun and power fist:
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Here's the rest of the squad:
Special weapons, 2 meltaguns 1 heavy falmer.
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

I'm also making a load of new heavy weapons guys.
From Chaos Miniatures

And two more Chimera conversions:
From Chaos Miniatures

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finished up some more CRM.
Got a DKoK grenade launcher so I decided to give it to one of my renegades.

From Chaos Miniatures

I also built up a couple of missile launcher teams. I didn't think it made sense to have the gun platforms embarked in chimeras so I made these two guys in case I want some mobile renegades.

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Test model for CRM Blood Pact

I wanted to have some veterans in my CRM IG army. I opted to use the FW enforcers for some Khorne Blood Pact guys. I figured they would stand out visually next to the tan/yellow renegades.

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Friday, July 17, 2009

Finally an update...

Got several updates here.

I got one of the plague marines champions completed, minus the backpack anyway:

I started working on some veterans for my CRM army. With the new IG book I needed to modify my list and minies to be legal. I had to modify some sgts as well.

Sgt with shotgun and power fist

Vets with heavy flamer:

Vets with Meltagun:

Vets with shotguns:

Primaris Psyker:

Sgts that lost their autoguns and shot guns and got pistols and close combat weapons instead:

Just some guy I built out of some misc bits laying around:

I wanted to try painting a Necron for some reason. The guns needs to be weathered still:

I started on some tanks as well. Traditionally I have hated painting tanks so I have been working at them in an effort to make them look decent and learn some good ways to get them painted. I was trying to make them look very weathered and beat up since they are part of the renegade force.

Rapier Laser Destroyer Tank:

Leman Russ Conqueror Battle Tank:

Lastly but not least is the Chaos Warhound Titan. I've got is assembled as much as possible prior to painting. I've pinned all the leg joints as well.