Thursday, October 15, 2009

Battle Psyker prototype green stuffed + possessed sentinel

My brother did the green stuff on this guy for me. I did it first and it looked like crap so he redid it for me. He's much better at cloth than I am.

From Chaos Miniatures

For a local modeling contest I decided to do a possessed sentinel for my CRM army. Here's the first evenings work...

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Friday, October 9, 2009

CRM Battle Psyker

Here is my protype for my CRM battle psykers. Like most everyone else I am using the flagellents as the base model. I am using ghoul heads and arms to give me a feral emaciated look though. I think it looks more twisted and evil.

From Chaos Miniatures


I've been painting the Malcador and Valdor lately. It's coming along pretty good
I also worked on a Leman Russ.

Malcador: Not finished but getting close...
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

Leman Russ: Done except for the dozer blade.
From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures

From Chaos Miniatures